Kovvada People have the Right to Know :
1) Has the Site for KNPP been approved by AERB, in accordance with Regulatory Consenting Process based on AERB Safety Code?
The. Govt. of India (DAE) is reported to have accorded “In-Principal” approval for setting up Kovvada NPP for 6 x,1000 MWe (LWRs), by constituting a Site Selection Committee (SSC) chaired by CMD, NPCIL, apparently with out “Siting Approval “ by AERB, which is very elaborate & complex exercise, involving study of enormous amount of field data
2) Does KNPP Site conform to “Population Considerations” stipulated for Site Selection?
The Sites with low population densities up to radial distance of 30 KM are to be preferred for NPP and the population within radius of 10 KM of NPP should be less than 2/3 of the State average with no population centers of more than 10,000 within 10 KM.
The proposed KNPP Site, on an area of 775.51 Hectors, including 265.89 Hectors of private land, is Fenced and Prohibited Area up to radial distance of 1.5 KM, called Exclusive Zone (EZ). There are 5 villages/habitations (Ramacendrapuram, Gudem, Kotapalem, Tekkali, and Jiru Kovvada) with 862 households, having population of about 3,500 in the proposed Exclusive Zone of Kowada NPP, with South West Corner of the Site appears to be falling under CRZ Area.
The area from 1.5KM to 5.0 KM from KNPP site, called Sterilized Zone (SZ) (Restricted Area), in which no new activity is permitted and the existing activities, people, structures continue to remain. Total population in Sterilized Zone should be small, say less than 20,000. But there are 42 villages/habitations with about 6700 households, having total population of about 30,000 in the proposed Sterilized Zone (1.5 to 5.0 km) of KNPP.
The area up to radial distance of 16 KM from KNPP, which is called Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), has 108 habitations, with 17,000 households and population of 71,4000 (excluding Exclusive Zone and including Sterilized Zone ) to be evacuated in the likely event of emergency. This area may have to be extended as KNPP is going to have 6 x, 1000 MWe (LWRs) and in the light of Fukushima experience.
3) Has DAE considered the Land-Use and Type of Houses in Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), before according In-Principle Approval for KNPP?
The private land to an extent of 10,400 Hectors in EPZ is predominantly with intensive agricultural activities, mostly horticulture and most of the houses in EPZ may not be suitable to provide shelter in case of emergency.
4) What is the fate of 30,000 people and agricultural produce in 4600 Hectors of private land in Sterilized Zone, which is exposed to radioactive emissions / releases from routine operations of 6 Reactors, with a capacity 1000 MWe each, for the next 30 to 40 years of their operation ?
5) How is Nuclear Waste generated by KNPP going to be managed?
Are Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant (NFRP),Nuclear Waste Treatment Plant (NWTP), Nuclear Waste Immobilization Plant (NWIP) and Nuclear Effluent Treatment Plant (NETP) proposed to be set up at KNPP Site at a latter date , if so their likely adverse impacts on people and agriculture in the area ?
6) What are the contents of MOU/ Agreement between the KNPP Operator- NPCIL- and the American Equipment Supplier for KNPP, on Nuclear Liability?
Stop Land Acquisition for KNPP under the “Myth of Nuclear Safety” and the “Bogy of Energy Security”, till the People of Kovvada Area are taken into confidence & satisfied on the above points at least !